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Sun Calculator for SA -- written in javascript.

SunEarth Tools.com

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Bridge Problems

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Problem 33

Contract 6 by South.  Opening lead 10.

Contract: 6
Dec. S

A Q 9 6
 A J 3
K Q J 10 5

K Q 3
K 10 8 7
10 9 8
4 3 2




5 4
5 3 2
6 5 4 2
9 8 7 6


A J 9 8 7 6 2
J 4
K Q 7


  • Declarer must reduce his trumps to the same number as West.  He must ruff four times and therefore needs four entries to dummy.
  • Win the first trick with the K or Q.
  • Ace of clubs, heart finesse using the queen, ruff a club, Ace of hearts, ruff another club, overtake the king or queen of diamonds with the Ace, ruff a heart, Jack of diamonds, ruff a heart, and then lead a spade to dummy’s ten.
  • West is endplayed.