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Bridge Problems

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Problem 17

Contract: 4 by South. Opening lead J.  As the cards lie, declarer has one loser in every suit.  He cannot avoid the and loser and the opening lead means the loss of a trick.  How can declarer avoid the loser in order to make his contract?

Contract: 4
Dec. S

Q J 7 2
A K J 6
 Q 5
K Q 4

K 5
10 8
K 7 6 3 2
J 10 9 6




8 4
Q 5 3
10 9 8
A 8 5 3 2


A J 9 6 3
9 7 5 2
A J 4


  • Declarer allows the J lead to win playing a small from dummy.
  • This duck ensures that the defender’s goose is cooked because East can no longer obtain the lead in order to play a ,
  • Declarer loses the finesse but dummy’s losing is discarded on the fifth .