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Sun Calculator for SA -- written in javascript.

SunEarth Tools.com

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Bridge Problems

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Problem 15

Contract: 6 by South. Opening lead: K

Contract: 6♠
Dec. S

A 10
A 7 4
K 6 5 3
A K 4 3

7 3
K Q J 8 3
10 8 4
Q 10 9




8 2
10 9 6 5 2
A J 9 7
J 7


K Q J 9 6 5 4
Q 2
8 6 5 2


  • South must play a small heart from dummy and trump in his own hand.
  • Dummy is entered via a trump and the three of diamonds is led.
  • (A) If East goes up with the Ace, declarer will be able to discard one Club on the King of diamonds and one on the Ace of hearts making twelve tricks.
  • (B) If east does not win the diamond with the Ace, declarer wins the trick with the Queen and can now park the losing two of diamonds on the Ace of hearts thus losing only one Club trick.