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Sun Calculator for SA -- written in javascript.

SunEarth Tools.com

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Bridge Problems

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Problem 14

Contract: 5 by South. Opening lead: 2

Contract: 5 ♠
Dec. S

Q 9 8
9 7 6 2
A K 4
A 6 3

6 5 2
K Q 8 5
Q 9
K J 10 9




A J 10 4 3
J 10 8 6 5 2
Q 4


A K J 10 7 4 3
7 3
8 7 5 2


  • Here is our old friend, the Dummy reversal.
  • South must trump four hearts, and one diamond so five entries to dummy are needed, therefore, south must ensure that he can enter Dummy at trick nine with the Queen of Spades; this will be achieved by trumping one of the losers with the Ace or King of trumps and not a small trump.