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Bridge Problems

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Problem 1 (posted 23/04/14)

Hearts are trumps and West leads Q clubs.
South to win all thirteen tricks against any defence.
This problem is difficult.  It appeared in a newspaper competition in the United States in 1929 and of more than 20,000 Solutions received, only 2.6% were correct.

Dec. W

♠ 5
8 5
A K 7
♣ A K 8 5 4 3 2


♠ K 10 7
Q J 10 9 7
♣ Q 10 8 3




♠ 8 6 4 3 2
Q 7 6 2
J 5 2
♣ 6


♠ A Q J 9
A K J 10 4 3
9 5 4
♣ ----


  • Declarer wins with the Club Ace and discards a Diamond
  • Declarer continues with the Club King
  • If East discards a Diamond:
    declarer discards a Spade, finesses the Heart, and enters dummy with the Ace of Diamonds and finesses the Heart again and plays all trumps.
    West is finally squeezed.
  • If East discards a Spade, South trumps and sets up the Spade suit and finesses the trump.
    The two Spades are cashed and dummy is entered with the Ace of Diamonds in order for declarer to ruff a small Club.
    Dummy is entered with the K of Diamonds and a Diamond or Club is played.
    Declarer with the A K J of trumps sits over East’s Q 7 6.